понедељак, 13 јануара, 2025


SEEbtm Awards su priznanja koje dodeljuje SEEbtm magazin, najboljim i najistaknutijim hotelima i prostorima u kongresnoj industriji za tekuću godinu, na osnovu glasova stručnog žirija, čitalaca i organizatora događaja.

Dodeljuju se nagrade u 17 kategorija za koje glasaju ljudi iz kongresne industrije regiona, kao i klijenti nominovanih kandidata.

Klikom na svaku od kategorija izlistavaju se nominovani kandidati. Označite svog favorita iz željene kategorije i kliknite GLASAJ.

Glasanje za SEEbtm Awards je otvoreno od 22. oktobra do 7. novembra 2018. godine.

Best Congress Venue

*Conference hotel – 5 and more conference rooms

Best City Conference Hotel

*Out of the City – mountain, lake, spas, countryside, ethno village
*Conference hotel – 5 and more conference rooms

Best Out of the City Conference Hotel

*Conference hotel – 5 and more conference rooms

Best Seaside Conference Hotel

Best City Hotel for Meetings & Events (up to 150 rooms)

*Out of the City – mountain, lake, spas, countryside, ethno village

Best Out of the City Hotel for Meetings & Events (up to 150 rooms)

Best Seaside Hotel for Meetings & Events (up to 150 rooms)

Best City Hotel for Meetings & Events (more than 150 rooms)

*Out of the City – mountain, lake, spas, countryside, ethno village

Best Out of the City Hotel for Meetings & Events (more than 150 rooms)

Best Seaside Hotel for Meetings & Events (more than 150 rooms)

Best New Hotel / Venue (opened in 2017/2018)

Best Conference and Banqueting Staff

Best Special Venue

Best Wellness and Spa Hotel

Best Luxury Hotel (up to 50 rooms)

Best Luxury Hotel (more than 50 rooms)

Best Small Business Hotel
