“Tourism, Progressive Brand of the Region”


“Tourism, Progressive Brand of the Region

Date: May 29th, 2012

Venue: Sava Center, Belgrade, Serbia

Web: www.savacentar.net

Brief description:

Business event of unique tradition, the 8th Brand Conference – “Tourism, Progressive Brand of the Region” will be held on May 29th,2012 in the Sava Center in Belgrade, under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development of Serbia, Serbian Chamber of Commerce, SIEPA, Tourist Organization of Serbia and the Tourist Organization of Belgrade.

Brand Conference in order to promote and support economic development and positioning, for the eighth time focuses on current topics. This time with a lot of reasons, to the tourism product.

Tourism as a dynamic economic activity is exposed to constant and powerful changes. In today’s world is one of the key factors of development, both individual countries and entire regions that become famous tourist destination.

Creating a modern market strategies in the making of tourism products contributes to the increase of investment, while countries in the region have great tourist potential through well placed and identifiable locations and through a range of attractive unexplored destinations.

Goals of the 8th Brand Conference are:

  • Consideration of conditions and tourism opportunities as a major industry of Serbia and the region, launching new marketing initiatives, direct investments and find new markets;
  • Intensifying cooperation, exchange experiences and increase the number of tourists between the countries of the region;
  • Promotion and recognition of tourism potential and well positioned brands of Serbia and the region;
  • Networking business, tourism, public and private companies, institutes, government organizations, educational institutions, organizations, media, tourism centers, tourism and catering industry in achieving the creation of a unique tourism product of the region.

Also, there will be held and panel sessions, where participants will be able to analyze and present examples from practice within the themes such as: Tourism and the modern world; The regional tourism offer; Elite Tourism; City tourism, Health and Wellness tourism; Eco and Ethno tourism.

The program starts with registration of participants at 9.00 o’clock, and ends with a cocktail party, that starts at 17.30 o’clock.


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