Tehnomarket Returns to the Best View of the City for 10th Consecutive Year


A pioneer in the Balkans aluminum industry, Tehnomarket hosted a cocktail to celebrate its successful exhibit at Belgrade’s Building Trade Fair and the company’s 27th anniversary at Top of The Hub.

The event, one in a series taking place in the restaurant, reinforced Tehnomarket’s loyalty to the venue with the best view in Belgrade. The first event held by Tehnomarket at Top of the Hub was its 2007 New Year’s blowout. Around 150 party-goers were guaranteed to have a good time thanks to a fantastic band and the venue’s great acoustics. Staying perfectly on script ensured there was not a single overcrowding issue at the entrance. In addition, the professional staff made sure that the guests were relaxed and champagne was enough
for good mood at all times.

Tehnomarket extrudes and produces aluminum joinery, as well as ventilated and glazed facades. The last event was the company’s 27th anniversary and cocktail party to celebrate its appearance at Belgrade’s 2017 Building Trade Fair. Top of the Hub met the highest
expectations yet again. Some 100 friends and partners of the company enjoyed sushi and jazz to the late hours. Every company’s request concerning the event planning was heard
and followed to the letter. We were also surprised how proactive the employees were in choosing the decorations and furnishing the space.

The fantastic lighting, the view, and the feeling that you’re standing on top of a city make Top of The Hub the right place for important and special occasions. The restaurant’s excellent wine selection is always welcomed with enthusiasm by wine aficionados. As a company that has been in business for more than 27 years, Tehnomarket has certainly seen its fair share of event venues, but Top of The Hub stays at the very top, just as its name and proficiency suggest.

“As a company that deeply nurtures its corporate culture, we quite often hold get-togethers for our employees and partners. Top of The Hub is our favorite venue because of its outstanding view, highly professional staff, original catering, as well as its excellent wine selection”, Miki Krsanin, Chairman of the Board, praises the restaurant. “I always say that Top of the Hub is the best way to show Belgrade to our guests from abroad. In addition
to the view, the fantastic organization supervised by Manager Katarina – who is always available for any conceivable query – is certainly one of the main reasons we will continue our business together”, said Kristina Zuliani, Brand Manager at the company.


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