Power Electronics – Ee2013


Date: 30th October– 1st November 2013

Venue: Congress Centre Master of Novi Sad Fair, Novi Sad, Serbia

Web: www.dee.uns.ac.rs

Brief description:

Celebrating 40 years of symposium tradition, Power Electronics Society from Novi Sad, Serbia, Institute “Nikola Tesla” from Belgrade, Serbia, Faculty of Technical Science from Novi Sad, Serbia and Novi Sad Fair, Serbia are organizing 17th International Symposium on  Power Electronics – Ee2013 in period from 30th October to 1st November 2013 in Congress Centre Master of Novi Sad Fair.

The organizers will have the honor that for the 17th time represent the latest achievements of researchers, academics, engineers, manufacturers, and students from these areas from twenty countries around the world.

Chairman of 17th International Symposium “Energy Electronics Ee2013” is prof. dr Vladimir Katic.


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