Helping Others Is a Team Building at a Global Level



It is quite clear why the increasing number of companies decide on socially responsible
activities lately. Those help people to strengthen the relations, get to know each other, strengthen the communication, improve it, drive it to perfection. They learn about each other something they did not know until then. But, also, they help those to whom the help is most needed.

Donations are always an option and probably the most common form of corporate social responsibility (CSR) due to the lack of time. Everything else requires an organization.
However, although you already know this, please, consider also the organizing of a team building for humanitarian purposes, and we will make the efforts to assist you with the suggestions given in the text that follows.

Childhood, as the people say, is the most enjoyable period of life. We remember it, mostly, with a smile 🙂 We should also provide the same childhood, if not the better than the one we had, to the present children. To our children and the children of the others. And, unfortunately, a lot of them need our help. But there are countless ways in which we can help
them. One of those is providing and giving toys. But, those handmade! You can even organize this team building in cooperation with some of the shelters for children. How is this imagined? Count the people who will take part in this challenge, which includes a task of making toys, divide them into teams that count the same, or approximately the same, number of participants. They need to have a few days to explore what kind of toys they can make.

They can use for help the various video clips on YouTube. Each group shall communicate to the organizer the materials they will need to make a certain toy and take it with them on the
day that this team activity will be organized. They can have an hour at their disposal. And the children whom you will donate the toys will be the judges and shall decide on the winner, i.e. choose the most beautiful toy. You can make the arrangement with them so the kids make you diplomas for the first three places. There is no more beautiful thing in the world than a child’s smile, we all agree on that!

As a carefree childhood shall be ensured for the youngest, the old people should be ensured the most carefree old age as well. If for no other reason, then for the reason that they allowed us to enjoy now in everything we have. As a sign of a small appreciation. Together, as a team, with the assistance of your colleagues, ask around about the old people who live alone and do not have the support with the everyday issues like going to shopping, for example, or planting flowers in front of buildings they live in. You will surely come to someone from your own neighborhood. Group yourselves and arrange to do these things for them on that particular day. Also, considering this topic, you can organize yourselves and tide up a park, plant a tree, or arrange a courtyard of someone who can not do it by himself.

Another example is that you can provide assistance for the local community when you decide on the location of your team building activities. Firstly, ask around well of its characteristics because it aims to engage local workforce and use local foodstuff and ingredients. You shall explore what people are doing there, what’s specific for them, what they produce, in which manner, what is that region known for. Why not learn, for example, how to make cheese, how to knit, prepare fish dish in a particular way, manually make some items, and cook the chutney? You can be helped out with these by one of the local inhabitants. He could, at first, explain you the entire process of production or preparation, and the team that is the fastest in the accomplishment of the task or, at his opinion, is the best, shall be announced the winner. If you have prepared some food, you can donate packed remains and unused products to the locals, and if you have manufactured a particular item, you can offer the rest of the material to a local workshop that deals with such an activity and that could make use of it. Finally, you can always arrange to go to some of the schools that need painting, some minor renovations or repairs.

Especially when it comes to schools that are in the interior territory and do not have large number of classrooms and rooms. Depending on the number of classrooms, divide people into groups and prepare for each of those the painting materials, dye for painting the tables and chairs, and replacement bulbs. All the groups shall start working at the agreed time. The group that is the fastest in finishing the painting, dyeing and arranging shall be the winner in this competition. At a micro level, you as an individual can do a lot of things for your community. Start by giving everyone a smile. Shop for groceries from local retailers, help the elderly if you find that they need help, support a child’s dream, surprise your colleague with some nice gesture, hold a door for someone at the entrance to the building.

The most valuable things are the ones that can not be bought with money – someone’s smile and a feeling of gratitude. Therefore, think about this topic for the next team building that you need to organize. Apply your team for running a marathon for charity. Help build someone’s home. Donate clothes and food. Yes, the list can go on and on endlessly. So, let the time of “giving” happen every day. Helping others is a global team building!


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