Campaign Marking the 30th Anniversary of the XIV WOG – “My Olympic Memories“


The Olympic Museum was opened on February 8, 1984 with the intention of preserving memories of when the XIV WOG were organized and held in Sarajevo. However, the museum complex was burned at the onset of the war in 1992, and some of the items housed in the museum were lost forever.

For the 20th Anniversary of the XIV WOG, a “new” Olympic Museum was opened at the headquarters of the Olympic Committee of BiH at Zetra, while work continued on the renovation of the damaged museum on Petrakijina St. The third phase of reconstruction on the building has recently gotten underway.

The “My Olympic Memories” campaign hopes to motivate those who may have taken part, in any way (as participants, organizers, members of the public…) in the realization of the XIV WOG to share their memories of the Olympics in Sarajevo and, in doing so, contribute to the museum’s collection.

Those who would like to share their stories, photos, videos, etc. may visit the following website:

As for any items which may not be transmissible via the Facebook page, it is possible to send things directly to the Olympic Museum (Alipašina, Zetra).

The “My Olympic Memories” campaign, as organized by Sarajevo Navigator, has been made possible by support from the City of Sarajevo, the Olympic Committee of BiH, the Tourism Association of Sarajevo Canton and the USAID-Sida FIRMA Project, with Sarajevo Navigator serving as the Value Chain Coordinator.


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