5th ADIT Conference


5TH ADIT Conference

Date: 11th – 13th April 2013

Venue: Kempinski Hotel Zografski, Sofia, Bulgaria

Web: www.adit-conf.org

Brief description:

5th International Conference on Advances in Diabetes and Insulin Therapy – ADIT will be held in period from 11th to 13th April 2013 in Kempinski Hotel Zografski Sofia, Bulgaria.

The Conference slogan is “Everyone, everywhere, all the time” and summarizes the need and challenge to change the opinions, therapies and clinical practice through research and education.

To effectively stop the rapid spread of diabetes and to reduce its effects, it is necessary to translate the latest research and knowledge into clinical practice as fast as possible and make such knowledge available to a wide circle of professionals through education.
ADIT mission is to create a bridge between the research, knowledge and clinical practice in order to change and improve everyday patient care.


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