35.Congress of the European Accounting Association – EAA


35.Congress of the European Accounting Association – EAA

Date: 9 – 11 May 2012

Venue: Ljubljana, Slovenia

Web: http://www.eaa-online.org/r/default.asp?iId=JEHMH

Brief description:

The Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association is a major event that takes place in a different country during springtime each year. The EAA Annual Congress offers a unique opportunity for presenting research and finding out what colleagues in the fields of management and accounting are doing. Every year over 1.000 delegates attend this popular event and close to 800 papers.

In addition, the EAA Annual Congress provides a friendly and sociable context in which to meet colleagues from other countries, to formulate joint research projects, and generally to keep in touch with European trends in education and research.

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Miona Milic
More than 10 years in events industry, as a project manager, content developer, offline and internet marketing campaigns, event manager for SEEbtm party, Editor-in-Chief of SEEbtm magazine… Professionalism, constant learning and personal, such as business upgrading, finds essential for success. Creativity in all fields is very important to her. Love to be physically active, travel, meet people and have a good time. But, beside everything, the greatest accomplishment and most important thing for her is being a MOM.


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