Infographic: Each member of portal gain 250 business contacts in the past year


With 57,679 business customers in 2015, the 230 members of the portal had the opportunity to generate, on average, each more than 200 contacts for various types of events, seminars, conferences, promotions and team building.

“Taking into account that only a small organization of events without overnight stays, on average, a minimum of € 1,000.00, with bed average 5 to 15,000.00 EUR, and major events across the 20-30000.00 EUR and more, we are talking about the great potential of congress tourism in the region only in one year, “said Ivan Milic, co-founder and sales director of the Best Solutions, comprised of portal

Analyzing the statistics of specialized B2B portal for organizing events in Southeast Europe – also come to the interesting profile of persons involved in the organization of events in the region. Those are people between 24 and 45 years, where the largest number of portal users aged between 25 and 34 years (33.5%). It is interesting that both genders almost equally participate in the organization, even slightly more males with 54.15%, while females make up 45.85% of users. There is a high percentage of users who return to the portal (30.72%), while the percentage of new users is 69.28%.

Most users searching portal are from Serbia (59.21%), followed by Montenegro (8.52%), Croatia (8:46%), Bosnia and Herzegovina (6.6%) and Macedonia (3.04%). As for the cities, the majority of users of the portal are from Belgrade and 36%.

Even 68% of users of the portal come through organic search, while 11% of them come directly.


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