Prezident Hotels proud owners one more cup in a row of Champion Awards



First national hotel chain Prezident Hotels***** has repeated successes from previous years and gained once more big champion cup from Novi Sad Fair.

Ceremony for awards was held in Congress center of Novi Sad Fair and Prezident Hotels again found himself on podium as the winner of one of the greatest awards for the quality of services in Serbia and the region.

On behalf of the Prezident Hotels the award received Ivona Borojevic (General Manager), and this prestigious recognition awarded Director of the Novi Sad Fair, Slobodan Cvetkovic, and Vice President of the Provincial Government and Provincial Secretary for Economy and Tourism, Ivan Djokovic.

Within this multiple awarded winning hotel chain currently operates three hotels of the highest category: Prezident Hotel ***** in Novi Sad, Premier Prezident Hotel ***** in Sremski Karlovci and Villa Prezident **** also in Sremski Karlovici. On this occasion, once again in a row each of the hotels individually got muniment and the large gold medal for the quality which confirmed that each of them maintains a superior level of service regardless of age undergoing.

Prezident Company will continue to invest in the hotel industry in Serbia and with its new luxury hotel opening in Belgrade will once again show the absolute dominance of the market, and set high standard to the competence attainable only innovative, dedicated and committed professionals this company consist of.


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