Mons Zlatibor Hotel&Apartments, Zlatibor, Srbija


“MONS” Hotel offers 21 modern apartments, 3 of which are studios (STUDIO), 15 apartments for up to four people (LUX i COMFORT) and 3 apartments that can accommodate a maximum of six people (MONS).

Air-conditioned room with elegant interior provides comfort and peace needed for the organization of all business events. Its capacity is up to 40 seats and is flexible for different settings, according to your wishes. We also provide you with a laptop, sound system, flip chart, and an interactive smart board with a projector.

The whole room is covered with high-speed wireless Internet, and if necessary, you can use the services of printing i copying at the front desk for free. For your refreshment during the meeting, we offer a diverse selection of food and beverages.


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