Make Yourself Stand Out! – Inspiration for Handmade Corporate Gifts


Corporate gifts are an inevitable part of any event. They are indeed a token of appreciation
and gratitude offered by the company for the time you took to attend or as a reward for your effort and hard work. You’ll probably agree with us that more often than not they’re commonplace – agendas, notepads, ball pens, notebooks… In all likelihood, you’ve stopped paying any attention to them, and you believe that you already know what’s in the bags that the hostess is handing out.

Now ask yourself when was the last me that a corporate gift caused you to react. When was
the last me you thought, “WOW, this is really useful/interesng!” or “WOW, someone really put some thought and effort into this!”? For some of you, no doubt the answer is never…
Many are the events that leave aendees with a lukewarm impression that might have been fixed with an invenve gift. We’re telling from experience. Of course, the event itself should not hinge on the gift that the guest receives at the end of the evening, but since customizing and personalizing the event is not always an option, the gift can be just the thing that makes a mark. In this sense, gifts can be personalized according to the type of the event/occasion or the person or audience it’s intended for.

Read on to check out some corporate gift examples and ideas that are certainly not something you’ll often come across. After reading, you might wish for one of these to be your next gift to your business associates or partners, or perhaps you will find inspiration and come up with your own.

Survival Kit for

Event Planners The regional website Kongresniturizam celebrated its 10th anniversary two years ago by throwing the so-called SEEbtm Party, and the organizers prepared – as part of the gifts for partners and associates in the event industry – a handmade gift jar with interesng goodies that played on the whimsical name: a first-aid kit for those who work in event management and planning. They made mason jars labeled Survival Kit for Event Planners with lid covers pa erned with the company’s logos and a string around them to echo winter pickling, which es in with that me of the year. However, what really had the WOW effect on the guests is what was packed in the jars. Since the job of event managers – as well as all those involved in the process of event planning – is stressful and unpredictable, the focus was on the li le things that serve as firstaid for surviving the day for any event planner. Coffee – no event manager starts the day without it; chocolate – we never know when our blood sugar will drop; a piece of bubble wrap – for when anxiety hits; two quotes to brighten up the day – printed on small index cards, and one small magnet reading Event SOS with Kongresniturizam. com’s contact info printed on them.

Many of the event aendees gave extremely posive feedback on the entire event and the gift jars along the lines of the following: “This is one of the funniest and most innovave gis I’ve ever got at a corporate party, and – to top it off – it’s actually useful!”

Take advantage of Instagram

Instagram definitely counts among the most popular social media today. And it’s ulized for more than just personal use. A large number of companies also have their own Instagram accounts where they post photos of team building events, corporate galas, and various
company pares. You can use this content to make a personalized gift, for example, a calendar for your employees or team members! Or even a Christmas present ☺. Choose the 12 most interesng, funniest photos or those that you feel are of special value to the company or the people who work there. This gift can be made in any printing shop – most of them offer the option to download photos directly from your phone, but you can also download them yourself to a flash drive and send them via email. Once you have the photos, you’ll need glue, string, a hole punch, scissors, cardstock (in any color) or cardboard, and a calcalendar template for prinng, a variety of which you can find online.

The photos, cardstock, and calendar should match in size. Cut the cardstock or cardboard to fit the photos, which you’ll paste with glue on the back for firm support. Do the same with the calendar. Each month should have its own photo. Take the hole punch and punch both the calendar and the photo and place them in order, from January to December. Then, tie them together with the string through the holes you punched and – voilà! Your personalized calendar is finished! And if the company has many employees and you can’t make that many calendars, you can take the party to the next level if you have each employee make a calendar for another. This way, everyone can choose the photos themselves and give them a personal touch. Have no doubt, you’ll be surprised when you see how people in a team perceive each other through the photos they choose. If you are wondering why the corporate calendar shouldn’t include images of the company’s products, here’s your answer: Firstly, this has been done many mes, and secondly, the company is primarily made of the people working there ☺.

Coffee cup holder

Ah, coffee. Almost everyone’s favorite morning drink. Even on non-working days. There is something special about drinking the first cup of coffee, creating a feeling that you are ready
for and focused on the day before you. You leave for work and before entering the office, you stop to buy yourself (maybe your co-workers, too) coffee to go. You take your cup
and realize that it’s so hot that it’s just impossible to hold it in your hand! I can’t even count the mes it happened to me… This somewhat tarnishes the feeling described above. And that is why you should think about cup holders. You need a tighter fabric in a color of your
choosing, scissors, hole punch, and elasc. We’ll tackle the decora on in a few lines. Cut the fabric in rectangular shape, the size around an inch shorter than the circumference of the cup.
Then punch it with the hole punch and string the elastic through the holes to put the edges and tie them together. After you drink your coffee, you can always put the cup holder back into your bag and use it for next time. In case you’re on a creative roll, you can take another type of fabric in a different color and use it to make the initials of the co-worker or the name of the company you work for and glue them on the cup holder. This can even be used as an idea for a group activity at work where everyone can parcipate when you are constrained by me or space.Grandma’s recipe

Grandma’s kitchen holds a special place in childhood memories. Everything always smelled like pastry and cookies, and the most delicious dishes always came out of that kitchen. Of course, when you make them, these dishes never turn out just like grandma’s, even though you follow the recipe to the letter. It’s a mystery that is yet to be solved… However, if you’re planning a team building cook-off (this trend has become very popular, which is no surprise considering how fun it is), here’s an idea you can use. Each employee can write their favorite grandma’s recipe on a cardstock cut to the A4 or A5 sizes. In addition, you can download illustrations of the ingredients or the dish itself online, print them, glue them on the cardstock, and sign the recipe with your grandmother’s name – for example, “Jelena’s grandma.” You can exchange the recipes with a co-worker and take it home as a souvenir. And of course, you must try to make goulash like Jelena’s grandma ☺!

Do something nice today

Imagine how much beer life would be if you did something nice every day! For yourself or for someone else. And the gift doesn’t always have to be something physical nor have financial value. We all know that the most valuable things are those that you cannot buy. That’s why you need a minimum amount of money for this personalized gift. All you need are mason
jars – everything else you can find at the office. Insert messages or assignments in the jar wrien by hand along the lines of “Say good job to a co-worker who did something good on their job today,” “Bring coffee to the first co-worker who says hello to you,” “Help someone in your team with today’s assignments,” etc. It’s important that all messages be affirmave. You can put the company logo or write “Do something nice today” on the jar. The idea is that once you give the gift to someone that someone pulls out one message with the assignment for the day and the main point is for both you and that someone to feel good.Spread posive energy, work on the mood, be an example to others. Personalized gifts that are handmade are one way to show your co-workers, your team, or your partners that you care about them. That you appreciate their me, presence, trust, commitment, and experse. This is the digital age, and as such it’s slowly excluding the human factor.

And although we are constantly racing with me and have it less and less, we should try to keep as much of the human factor as possible – at least when it comes to gifts. Today, the most valuable gifts are those that you invested me and effort making it.


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