Green city living

Green city
Green city

The issues of environment and living in unpolluted areas are becoming increasingly important, so Dutch architect Raimond de Hullu decided to reveal what he sees as the future of our planet and of the way we live.

The architect unveiled his vision for 100% eco-cities, where people would live in skyscrapers constructed of recycled wood and covered in foliage for smarter energy consumption.

There would be no cars driving around these cities, and the production of energy and water would be sufficient to meet the needs of the entire population.

Named The OAS1S Foundation, the concept also includes four-floor buildings that use triple glazing windows and solar panels. The architect believes that this is the answer to the human need to become one with nature.

People today also need a 100% green concept – not only on the architectural level but on the city planning level as well. This concept can be ideal for members of the middle class, who want quality and environmentally friendly way of living.


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