5th Business Conference SEET 2015

Datum - 30/09/2015
All Day

Web: www.massmediainternational.eu

Brief description:

5th Business Conference SEET 2015 “How to increase competitiveness and income from tourism in South East Europe” will be held on 30th September 2015, in Sava Center in Belgrade.

The aim of the conference is to improve the competitiveness and increasing the income from tourism in South East Europe, to strength regional cooperation, growth in tourists’ turnover between the countries within the region, as well as to attract tourists from other distant emissive markets.

5th Business Conference SEET 2015 will provide the environment for all relevant industry stakeholders to employ their knowledge, experience and resources in order to efficiently articulate their mutual interests.

5th Business Conference SEET 2015 is expected to host over 400 participants amongst whom will be high representatives of relevant organizations and industry associations, as well as tour operators from EU, Russia, China, USA, India, Turkey… leading experts for sustainable development and business in tourist industry, decision makers from leading companies in tourism, air and road transport, travel agencies,… representatives of state and local governments, industry associations, educational and public institutions, as well as representatives of financial institutions and leading regional media.