2nd Congress of Croatian Society for Quality Improvement in Healthcare

Datum - 10/09/2015 - 11/09/2015
All Day

Web: www.spektar-putovanja.hr

Brief description:

2nd Congress of Croatian Society for Quality Improvement in Healthcare with international participation will be held from 10th to 11th September 2015, at Hotel Dubrovnik in Zagreb.

Congress is an great opportunity for exchange of experiences, new ideas, knowledge and technologies aimed at quality improvement and patient safety.

Some of the main topics at this year congress will be:

  • Quality management in healthcare
  • Quality measurement
  • Patient safety
  • Quality and Safety culture
  • Education and Training of Patient Safety accross Europe
  • Quality assessment
  • Technology at the service of quality improvement, etc.

The technical organizer of the congress is Spektar putovanja agency.