13th Central European Oncology Convention

Datum - 21/06/2017 - 24/06/2017
All Day

Web: web.penta-pco.com

Brief description:

This year’s 13th Central European Oncology Convention organized by the Croatian Oncology Association will take place from June 21st to 24th at Opatija’s Hotel Kvarner. The whole program was designed under license from the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

This is a regional international conference, aimed at a continuing education and intended for
those working in the fields of oncology, radiology, and surgery, as well as for professionals from other fields who are in any way involved in the treatment and care of patients who have some form of cancer. The speakers’ and panelists’ presentations at the convention will be focused on young oncologists, satellite symposium of pharmaceutical companies, and results of clinical trials.