Eco-friendly Trends for 2018


Even though terms sustainable development and ecology have been in correlation with hospitality business, research shows that nine out of ten business tourists thinks that hotels should dedicate more time to green and sustainable initiatives.

Basic initiatives are just not enough

Asking guests to reuse towels and shower more responsibly or using energy consuming lightning are not enough for a significant change. Minimal expenses and waste are still a priority and are followed by education and reduction of resource consumption.

Guest education

Without the appropriate guest education it is impossible to make a hotel sustainable and in accordance with „green“ standards. Through social network content and i info boards in rooms, and promo materials, we can help guests help us create an „Eco-friendly“ hotel.

Reducing shower time

1 Hotel Central Park in New York is a good example of Eco business. This hotel has installed shower timers in order to show guests how shorter shower time can affect water preservation. With different reminders in the bathroom, resources can be additionally saved.

Cost savings in the kitchen

Kitchen equipment must be adapted to the world standards and energy consumption must be reduced as much as possible. When it comes to food, there are three things of which you must keep track: product prices, product origin (are they organic, where they’ve been cultivated, whether they are GMO) and the way they are packed. Therefor, the focus isn’t just on delivering a minimum waste, but on procurement of adequately grown and prepared groceries.

Water saving

Besides informing and educating guests, manz hotel chains tend to use equipment that allows water saving. Some solutions are using special showers or processing of rainwater, which allows not only sustainable business but money saving as well.

Another idea is to abolish room service. This helps to save money and save energy as well. By abolishing room service, thee need for hiring new employees and working hours of the kitchen will be reduced.


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