Conference “CONNECT TO THE MARKET” on the connection between the higher education system and labor market


Conference “CONNECT TO THE MARKET” on the connection between the higher education system and labor market

Date: 24 February 2012

Venue: Hotel Moskva, Belgrade, Serbia


Brief description:

The objective of the conference is to gather representatives of state and private universities, student associations, employers, employment agencies and the Government in order to exchange information about the current situation and ideas about improving communication and interaction between institutions of higher education and the labour market.
The conference will also address questions of a reform in higher education in the context of the EU integration, with reference to relevant experiences in member states.

Targeted participants are: policy makers in areas of higher education and labour market in Serbia, rectors and vice rectors of local Universities, professors and lecturers, students, employers, employment agencies.

Some of the main topics at the conference will be: Knowledge as a commodity, Higher education as a driving force of the development, Higher Education Development Strategy, Linking higher education and economy, Internship programmes for students, Curricula and the market needs… and many others.


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