Agile Serbia Conference: All-Stars Edition 2020

Education is not on the break!


It’s never too late for education, so in order to help you to connect with your friends, colleagues, and mentors for two-days of learning, sharing, and connection Agile Serbia has prepared a brand new Agile Serbia Conference: All-Stars Edition 2020 on 7th and 8th December!

Fifth time in a row, but the first time in an online format, this educational center organizes this virtual event with the exceptional name “All-Stars“. Because of its great tradition, Agile Serbia Conference became the biggest event of the Agile approach to Software Development in the SEE Region. It has become widely recognized, especially within the IT industry, in which the application of Agile approach is the most frequent and the interest of the professional community is growing since the 2012 year.

Big, bigger, the biggest

And they continue to make Agile sky full of stars. For this edition, the main stars are Alistair Cockburn, one of the co-authors of the Agile Manifesto, with over 25 years of experience who will talk about Heart of Agile. Besides him, Sander Hoogendoorn as an Agile, Kanban, and Scrum professional expert will present useful tips & tricks about agile requirements, design patterns, and software estimation. Also, the next Agile star, Jurgen Appelo is in the top 10 speakers of the whole Agile World who’s going to share his thoughts about Management 3.0 and its complexity. And of course – an amazing Angel Medinilla is cherry on the top with his knowledge and specific presentation. More and more significant speakers’ names will be announced soon.

Agile Serbia Conference 2020

But, wait, how are we going to watch this amazing Agile Serbia Conference edition?

This upcoming online ceremony will be held thanks to app MatchAbout, an easy way for networking from event to event and between, without any limits. This app is a great opportunity for networking and the conference will offer 2 stages, amazing lectures, exciting panels, and educational workshops. Download this application from Google Play/App Store, sit back and start the countdown! Also, by MatchAbout you will be able to collect contact and Agile materials.

Don’t hesitate and grab your opportunity to watch and learn from the best. Yes, Agile is the present and the future, business reality with many benefits. Hurry up and take your place for the Conference!

More information about this upcoming event find here:


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