27th ECIS Conference


27th ECIS Conference

Date: 1st –  6th September 2013

Venue: Sofia Princess Hotel, Sofia, Bulgaria

Web: www.ecis2013.org

Brief description:

In period from 1st to 6th September 2013 in Sofia Princess Hotel in Sofia, Bulgaria will be held 27th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society – ECIS 2013.

Conference will be organized by the Department of Interfaces and Colloids (Institute of Physical Chemistry, BAS) and the Department of Physical Chemistry (Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, SU).

The Conference is aimed to provide a wide opportunity for exchange of new ideas, for reports on recent achievements in colloid and interface science and on contributions to the progress in the areas of biomedicine, pharmaceutics, cosmetics, nanoelectronics, food and petroleum industries.


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