Promo Tours, Sarajevo


The format of the symposia includes presentations and demonstrations by regional and international experts with two state-of-the-art lectures and symposium for nurses.

In past years, between 600 and 800 participants took place on every Gastroenterology Conference. Majority of participants comes from SEE region, and lectures from all around the world. Technical challenges for such a big organization are numerous.
From providing appropriate accommodation and organizing gala dinners to scientific technical details such as live endoscopy symposium.

The concept of the conference is based on the extremely positive response at previous meetings. Live endoscopy workshop will be directly transmitted from previous meeting.

Every successful congress is the result of many weeks of detailed preparation. Events such as congresses involve many complex interactions, therefore they must be managed professionally, thoughtfully and with exacting attention to detail.

Live endoscopy workshop will be directly transmitted from Endoscopy Unit to the Conference Venue. The event is of interest for gastroenterologists, oncologists, internists, surgeons, nurses, residents and medical students.

This Conference is organized by Promo Tours agency from Sarajevo. Promo Tours is the leading Professional Congress Organizer in Bosnia and Herzegovina with proven experience during last 14 years in congress organization and management. Their professional team provides all day-to-day operations based on detailed planning of all stages of the project.

Philosophy of Promo Tours is to act like true partners driven by passion, commitment and professionalism.
Agency is consistently strengthening the quality and creative value of its products as they work toward its vision of becoming a respected tourism agency on the regional and European markets.

Some of congresses in 2014 in organisation of Promo Tours

– ERA-EDTA CME Course, Sarajevo, 22nd March 2014

– III Congress AGP/FM SEE, Sarajevo, 19th – 22nd September 2014

– 1st Congress of Orthopaedists and Traumatologists B&H, Jahorina, 20th – 22nd September 2014



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