Plaketa za izvanrednost/ Certificate of excellenceIn this web site, visitors from all over the world have been rating Hotel Splendid for a longer period of time with an average 4 (5 being the highest), which is the reason why the Splendid Conference & Spa Resort has been awarded the special Certificate of  Excellence  for the year of 2012 by the “Trip Advisor” site (, the hotel in Bečići has joined the major hotel chains, such as Hyatt, Intercontinental, Holiday Inn. The Certificate of Excellence has arrived to the hotel on the World Tourism Day.

“This important award, given by visitors of the hotel, not just from Europe, but from other continents as well, is the result of great team work, continuous learning and enthusiasm of all hotel staff”, says Žarko Radulović, co-owner of the Hotel Splendid Conference & Spa Resort, operating as a part of the Montenegro Stars Hotel Group. “Although we are not world brand, we have managed to keep up with them and that is another proof that Montenegro can be on equal foot with the greatest, not just in sports, but in other spheres of life. We never lacked self-confidence but knowledge, and that is why we keep learning and we get better every year. This is just the beginning”, Radulović adds.

Most of the positive comments of visitors refer to the facilities and cleanness of room, extraordinary view, buffet with more than 60 meals, excellent outdoor pool and excellent beach service. Visitors rated high the food and drinks offer, kindness and also good English language skills, particularly at the beach bar. Satisfaction with the appearance of the hotel and facilities with regard to the bar and Spa Centre has also been stated. Positive comments also referred to the prompt service provided by the Concierge as well as the housekeeping quality. The location of the hotel and vicinity of Budva, too, were rated high.

Splendid panorama


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