Wikipedia celebrates its 10th anniversary


Wikipedia and its users are planning holding of more than three hundred Wikipediacelebrations in all six continents, and the occasion for this is the tenth anniversary of Wikipedia, free online encyclopedia which has become the most popular encyclopedia ever and which is known by spreading information by giving everyone the possibility for editing the articles.
On this occasion, the webpage named was created, which offers the users a possibility for organizing and joining a global celebration of the tenth anniversary, and new events are scheduled on daily basis. Actual anniversary celebration was organized on 15 January. Beside this page, Wikipedia Timeline was also created with a view to reminding of important events and important steps made during the whole period of existence of Wikipedia.

In the past ten years, Wikipedia has completely changed the way in which we access the information on the Internet enabling us to participate in their creation. This is so widely spread, that Wikipedia articles, currently 17 million of them, out of which 3.5 million in English language, appear almost always on or near the top of the page with the results of any Google search.

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