Mobile Phones Not Used to Converse Only!


The ninth world championship in distance throwing of mobile phones has ended. This was for the first time that the competition did not take place in Finland, but in the Estonian town of Narva. With more tha 50 competitors from the United States of America, South Korea, Japan, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Russia and some other countries, the champs in this discipline are two Estonians, a Finn and one dog!

Among men, the winner threw the phone at distance of 85 metres, and the woman who won reached the furthest point for her mobile phone at 41 metres, and a twelve-year old boy from Finland was the best in the children category, throwing his mobile phone at distance of 55 metres. The competition in “free style” throwing was won by a dog from Estonia named Kara, succeeding in throwing it for the whole 30 centimetres.


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