JCI World President Bertolt Daems Visit and Power Hour


During the visit he had opportunity to meet JCI Serbia President Stevan Kostres in Novi Sad at Zak restaurant, to see JCI Belgrade projects and partners presentation in Belgrade at Small Factory of taste restaurant. Appointments with JCI Belgrade members, partners, and official meeting were all local presidents (Belgrade, Niš, Novi Sad, Subotica, Leskovac and Zrenjanin) participated, took a place on February 19th at Chamber of Commerce Serbia.

Bertolt Daems discussed with JCI Belgrade entrepreneurs representative Marko Ivic, M Enterijer owner and CEO, about  Youth Entrepreneurship in Serbia and energy efficiency in construction.

On topic about transition of business ideas into real business, according to JCI motto Passion into action, President Daems talked to the E-Front representatives, who are organizing Start Up Europe Conference in Serbia.

Knowledge Committee of Serbia and President Bertolt meet to define possibilities for social entrepreneurship, innovations in education and social responsibility projects in Serbia.

JCI world president was a guest lecturer at Power Hour in JCI Belgrade organization at Chamber of Commerce Serbia on Feb 19th 4pm. President Bertolt gave the one hour lecture and answer the questions during discussion about young professionals success, JCI vision, inspiration for Be Better idea implementation, underlining that what is crucial is networking, constant personal development, opportunities seeking in every situation and in every part of the world. Power Hour participants were JCI alumni, JCI potential members, business people, partners representatives and JCI Belgrade supporters. President Bertolt were elated about young professionals and entrepreneurs energy and innovation, and he come of with a conclusion that those people have all what is key potential for success.

His  message to young professionals and all people in Serbia who want success is to find out personal honest motivation, to do benchmark constantly but only benchmarking with yourself in some previous time, never to give up your dreams, even it is wish to became world president, and to build up network on knowledge and experience sharing with people who believe in success and do one step better every day, just as JCI worldwide is mentioning – Be Better.

About  Bertolt Daems:

Bertolt Daems, Junior Chamber International World President 2012 (JCI functions are always for 1 year)

Leader of the youth association in more than 120 countries around the world, for more than 200.000 active members under 40 years old, and for a million alumni (older that 40 or active in the past) and senators (the most successful members of organization). World traveler, family man, husband and father of three children. Entrepreneur, consultant, mentor. Active citizen who cares about the world in which his children will live in. Optimist who believe in passion in every single human. Leader who turns passion into action. Leader of organization with motto Be Better, and main instrument networking.

What is the most important to have top of mind when thinking about future, for Bertolt Daems?

Do not forget good thing that are good in the present. For example, when people building a house they focus on new things they want to have, and forget about things they love in their present home, instead to integrate it. When we build a future every step you take today influences tomorrow. Everything that you have now is the result of responsibilities that you have taken in the past. When comply about present, people should ask yourself what responsibility did they took or not, have they being lazy to do something? What kind of network do they need for personal and social growth?

Bertolt Daems: VIDEO about his goal of Serbia visiting:


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