International Conference on Computers, Communications & Control 2012, Romania


Workshop on Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Crisis Management – The International Conference on Computers, Communications & Control (ICCCC), will be held from 8th to 12th May 2012 in Hotel Termal, Baile Felix,
Oradea, Romania. The Conference is organized by R&D Agora and Agora University under the umbrella of the ICCCC 2012. The International Conference on Computers, Communications & Control provides a forum for international scientists in academia and industry to present and discuss their latest research findings on a broad array of topics in computer networking and control. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested in Intelligent Computing, Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Decision Support Systems for Crisis Management, in order to exchange ideas, problems, solutions, and to work together in a friendly environment. After this interaction meeting, the point is to make some teams for design of intelligent decision support systems for management of crisis: economic, financial, energy, food, healthcare, military, manufacturing etc.


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