Dubrovnik Travel under the name “DT Croatia” opened the office in Zagreb


This metropolitan branch office is located in the prestigious Hotel Westin, on the address Izidora Krsnjavoga 1, providing quick and affordable services and wealth of new ideas for corporate events organizers. With its forty highly trained, multilingual and experienced young professionals in three Croatian offices, DT today offers  total support to its clients and partners throughout Croatia and globally.

Simultaneously with the opening of the office in Zagreb, Dubrovnik Travel is launching a new marketing name “DT Croatia”, combining  its decade long tradition of Dubrovnik travel (DT) with Croatia,

creating a fusion which will allow for better destination recognition and promotion. Driven by its expansion inland, with the new office now covering continental Croatia, Zagreb and Istria, the name change seemed a natural progression, drawing on DT’s extremely successful previous project history in the Dubrovnik, Split and Hvar area, now making the DT Croatia brand nationwide.

With the opening of an office in Zagreb and with the implementation of the name Dubrovnik Travel- DT Croatia, a new exciting chapter is beginning for this company which records positive business growth, in this time of decline, and which has been given AA+ grade rating by respected financial agencies. To date Dubrovnik Travel has won several prestigious national business awards, and was named by the regional media as a leading destination management company in the region. Constantly striving for excellence, DT is certified with ISO 9001-2008, guaranteeing top quality services.

DT will confirm its efforts in the upcoming period, particularly during this spring and autumn, when there are already many confirmed projects, undoubtedly contributing to the development
of the destination, both on the local and national level.


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