Days of „Raspoutine“ restaurant in Hotel Prag

Pivnica Hotel Prag

In period from 19th until 21th February in Belgrade’s  Hotel Prag will be organized days of famous russian restaurant „Raspoutine“ from Paris.

On the menu will be served the most interesting dishes of this restaurant, which were favourite to Grace Kelly, Marlon Brando, Nikita Mihalkov, Natalie Wood, Yevtushenko…

Beside dishes like petrograd pate, shashlik of kavkaz, skobljanka, crepes suzett and others, there will be served the best russian vodka, french cognac and wines. All enjoyment will complete music program with russian gipsy and traditional songs as also legendary stories of the chef of this the most famous russian restaurant, Slava Markovic.

For all additional information and reservations you can contact Hotel Prag by telephone +381 11/321 4444, +381 65/566 8166 or by email


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