Complete room renovation at Belgrade hotel Excelsior finished


ExcelsiorThe renovation of rooms of the Belgrade Hotel Excelsior in Kneza Miloša Street is finished and as Christoph Brueckner, director of the hotel, said, the lobby and façade renovation would be also finished by 2009 end. The investment is 2 million EUR worth.
“Belgrade and Serbia need investors who believe we are the leaders of South-East Europe. Our city should be the business centre of this part of Europe, and tourism is one of potentials we may use to that purpose. This is supported by the fact that for the first ten months, Belgrade recorded an increase of foreign tourists of 5% compared to last year. We will endeavour to bring world largest hotel chains to Belgrade until 2012, but we also deem important that such smaller hotels are renovated and revitalised, so that we could become the meetings industry centre.
Our city is dedicated to large-scale events. Consequently, it is important to make it a priority in the concepts of the Belgrade development strategy and the tourism strategy we have adopted”, said Željko Ožegović, City Council member, who visited the hotel.

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