4th International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, Bucharest, Romania


4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITYSome of the main topics of this year Conference were Energy analysis and Management, Energy and transportation, Energy and buildings, Transmission and distribution of energy, Smart grids, Energy storage, New energy sources, Environmental risks, The future of nuclear energy, Energy policies and CO2 sequestration and storage.

This conference offered an opportunity for scientists, professionals, policymakers and other parties to review recent developments in this rapidly changing environment.

Energy and Sustainability 2013 was the 4th International Conference in this series, following the success of the first meeting held at the Wessex Institute of Technology in the New Forest, UK (2007); the second in Bologna, Italy (2009) and the third in Alicante, Spain (2011).


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