World Tourism Day – “Tourism – Connecting Cultures”


The World Tourism Day is celebrated each year on September 27th organized by the UN World Tourist Organization. The main goal of the World Tourism Day is to develop awareness of the international community on the importance of tourism and its cultural, social, political and economic benefits. Central celebration of World Tourism Day 2011, was held in Aswan in Egypt, under the slogan “Tourism – Connecting Cultures”. On that occasion the UN General Secretary called for the World Ethical Code principles for tourism to be applied, as it should serve as guidelines for a sustainable and responsible development of the branch, and tourism has a great role in building international understanding and mutual respect, so that there is no better way to learn something about a new culture. The World Tourist Organization (UNWTO) announced that the first half of 2011 marked a record of 440 million tourists at the international market, which is a growth of 19 million or five percent in relation to the previous years, thus continuing the tourism recovery at the world level.


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