Most commonly pronounced word in the world celebrated its 175th birthday


One of the most popular English words in the world, the word “OK” celebrated its 175th birthday, in March 2014.

The word OK has appeared for the first time in the press in 1839, in the American Boston Morning Post.

According to the book written by the world expert for history and significance of this word Professor Alan Metcalfe, “OK. The Improbable Story of America’s Greatest Word”, that is the most often pronounced or typed word on the planet.

Today, OK is used to express accordance, approval, understanding, or to emphasize the sentence, and there is almost no person in the world who will not understand it.

From etymological point of view, this word is not directly related neither with Latin, nor Greek nor any other ancient language.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, OK is the abbreviation of the expression “all correct” from 1830s, when the errors in language were frequent.


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