SEEbtm Event – Lasting Impressions and Relations are Main Goals of Event


SEEbtm is the event that traditionally brings together the regional event professionals and meetings industry in Belgrade. At the end of last year, in mid-November, 250 of the most important representatives of hotels and venues with conference capacities, service providers and representatives of companies that organize events in the region, attended the SEEbtm event, and, on that occasion, the celebration of 10 years of the portal, as well as the ceremony of awarding the SEEbtm Awards. Let us look at the organizational aspects and “behind the scenes” of the event.

Given the profile of the people who attend this event, as, regardless of which company they come from, the focus is on the fact that all of them are event professionals, it is a great responsibility and a task to make a WOW impression on them, points out Miona Milic, Creative Director of SEEbtm event.

The event organization is indisputably an exceptional tool and a fantastic way to communicate, directly or indirectly send messages to your customers and associates, highlight their own values, goals, promote ideas or product and establish and strengthen relations with the target group.

When you want to make an impression on event professionals, every item counts, not only, for example, facility exclusivity and luxury, but the impression begins to build starting from the very call. Reception and welcome of guests, lighting, refreshments, attitude of waiters and persons who serve the guests, music, space decoration… the list is long, while the criteria, led by their experience and profession, are high.

Celebrating 10 years of operation of the portal and the launch of SEEbtm Awards –recognitions for the best in meetings industry, have further reinforced the need to do something differently, not frequently seen, something that makes an impression and represents our core values and the feature that makes us different from others.

Many years of cooperation and partnership that we have with the venue – Kalemegdanska terasa restaurant and music band Balkan Ekspres, provide first-class service and experience related to the venue, or the music. The ambiance is perfected with additional lighting and other details, for which we were supported by a company Congress Rental.

Therefore, we continue to focus on venue branding and entertainment activities that include our guests. In doing so, we took great care that all elements communicate in a way that shows what we are, both as a company and a team, and what we want to promote – innovative, modern, creative, urban and professional. There were a lot of “custom-made” details, not by chance, but again to emphasize an individual approach we have to each client.

Starting from the backdrop wall, we wanted to avoid the classic press on a tarpaulin on the podium, so frequently seen similar backdrops, and to do something authentic this year, which reflects the aforementioned spirit and approach. That is why we created a wall of pallets, which we 3D decorated with our brands, motivational messages, using a rope, glass, tongs, lamps, and thus got that kind of industrial design.

That was perfectly fitted in by a manner of photographing, where the guests, in addition to traditional photography, were photographed with an instant camera by a girl dressed in a T-shirt with a funny inscription: Keep calm, be the best and win SEEbtm Awards. Instant photographs, ready-made on-site, branded with corresponding hash-tags, were taken by the visitors as a souvenir.

Custom-made approach enables you to stand out and be original. Rise from a template, thinking and acting “out of the box” and, thus, leaving the former zone of comfort is the key of success and proper way towards ensuring that you are remembered of.

Given that, as I have already pointed out, the guests were the event professionals from the region, we wanted to create unique gifts, profession tailor-made, with humorous connotation. Therefore, we have made gift jars, having resembled visually a domestic winter storage, which was certainly topical in those days. Namely, a jar had a humorous inscription “Survival kit for event planners”, meaning the First aid for survival of the event organizers, referring thus to a stressful job they do. Otherwise, an event planner’s job is one of the 5 most stressful jobs in 2016 (according to research site CareerCast), following the military, firefighters, pilots and police officers.

They could find in a jar a magnet designed as an emergency call to solve their problems by contacting the team of the portal, then a piece of crackling foil to calm the “nerves”, motivational message, a few chocolate bars and coffee for better concentration.

Handmade and originally designed gift managed to impress the guests, they noticed that we addressed them directly, that we understood them and offered a solution, and to make them laugh.

Upon departure, we set up a canvas branded with our logo and a strong message – “We believed we could so we did – 10 years”, and left space for our guests to put their signature, thus symbolizing that each of them was a part of our success, and that, in fact, it was a mutual success and achievement.

In this way, we end up sort of a guests’ “journey” during the SEEbtm event, which was complemented by a top band and live music during the entire evening, in addition to a rich and varied refreshments, and, above all, the excellent networking of people and stakeholders of the profession.

Also, we are very proud and happy that we successfully organized and humanitarian action during the evening, to be more precisely the collection of funds for NURDORthe National Association of Parents of Children with Cancer, in the form of a symbolic “tickets” for the event.  ″Be what you want to see in others″ was our motto, and we hope that in future we will witness a growing number of corporate events that will have a humanitarian character. We already know that this gesture was an inspiration, in this case, for some events that are held in the meantime, which for us has a special value.

Although the need for taking care of every detail applies to participants of each event, when your target group are exactly the people who are engaged in organization of events, the scanner through which each item of your event is being put through is a little bit tougher and different.

Imagine that you have to hairstyle a professional hairdresser, to cook for chef or to impress a hipster with your perfectly shaped beard. Quite a challenge, is it not? Therefore, we believe that the ultimate success is when with the organization of SEEbtm event, we manage to impress and leave a positive impression right on event managers.

Miona Milic, creative director of SEEbtm event

Zoran Janovac, Oracle

SEEbtm Party was organized at the top level, a good time was guaranteed. We hope to see you next year as well.

Sladjana Nedeljkovic, Generali osiguranje

I got a lot of beautiful impressions of good time at the event you organized, and congratulations to your organization. It is nice to see the young, hard-working and professional team, and, therefore, the success is guaranteed.

Ivana Berjan, Esensa

The combination of beautiful venue, great music, interesting branding, delicious refreshments, contributed to good mood of all guests, made us spent a great time that night. Celebrations of this type are often quickly ended by departure of guests, but thanks to all well-blended elements, but above all an exceptional selection of band and repertoire, this event grew into a good time, where the guests were in no hurry to leave 🙂

Vladimir Stojanovic, Pharmanova

At the event of portal, as the last year, it was a pleasure to enjoy the great organization of the host, particularly being in a company of highly successful and elegant invitees. We recalled the last year party cadres on the monitors, but only briefly, as we got charmed with the great band with its incredible energy. Wine got it all churning… and it was great to enjoy. We brought home the exceptional impressions and a photo of the creative photographer who surprised us by making small photos on the spot.

 Sanja Ignjatovic, American Council

This year, again portal has made an entertaining anniversary celebration. All praise for the organization – site selection, catering, waiters, music program and the official part of the event.


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