International Conference on Modern Developments in Tourism and Hotel Industry – “Via Danube, the European Main Street”


At the Conference held on September 29th and 30th at the Novi Sad Fair in Serbia, the following topics were presented:
natural and cultural heritage in tourism, motivation, conduct of tourists and human resources in tourism, development policy and regional development in tourism, thematic tours, gastronomy, marketing and e-tourism,
education and innovations in tourism, and hunting tourism. On Friday the 30th of September, as part of the Conference, they organized an international student workshop “From Theory to Practise – On the Right Path”, the goal of which was to exchange practical knowledge of experienced professionals and lecturers and build-up of professional competencies and skills through mutual interaction of students and experts in their respective fields who spoke at the meeting. The Conference was organized by the Geography, Tourism and Hotel Industry Department of the Natural-
Mathematical Faculty of the Novi Sad University. As eight out of 14 Danube countries are members of the European Union, integrated development of tourism could contribute to a better position of each Danube country on the tourist and economic map of Europe.


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