Cannabis spaghetti?!

Špagete od kanabisa
Špagete od kanabisa

Italian producers that attended a London food expo at the end of July 2015 introduced their hemp products – spaghetti, cooking oil, and bread.

According to these food producers, people who eat these foods don’t get drowsy, but instead enjoy tasty and healthy products that serve as alternative to products made with cereal grains.

One of the producers claims that these are true organic foods, considering the fact that growing hemp doesn’t require any pesticides or fertilisers – the only prerequisite is a moderate quantity of water.

Although hemp is mainly associated with the psychoactive properties of cannabis, there are varieties of this plant that can be grown for nutritional purposes.

In addition to cannabis spaghetti tasting, the expo visitors were also offered to try hemp cookies and hemp oil, which has a stronger smell resembling nuts.


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