Best sommelier Europe championship 2010


SomelieriThe representative of Europe Strasbourg from 20 – 24 XI of 2010 hosted the General Assembly and the prestigious championship for the ”Best sommelier
Europe”, organized by the International Association of Sommelier ASI. At this meeting Serbia was represented by Association of Serbian sommelier SERSA .
Serbia’s representative in the competition was Ms. Djurdja Katic, a double national champion in 2008 and 2010, Chief sommelier at the winery Milijan Jelic from Valjevo. In this competition, unfortunately, Serbia has not recorded a good result as in 2008 in Sofia, but we are proud of our competitors, because the 3 greatest favorites entered finals : French Representative David Biraud, Chef Sommelier at the restaurant ”Les Ambasadeurs” at the Hotel Crillon in Paris, Switzerland’s Paolo Basso, director of this year, ”VinnieCeresio”  from Lugano and Mateo Ghiringhelli from Italy, Chef Sommelier at the restaurant ”II Vino d ‘Enrico Bernardo” in Paris.
Very close competition in six disciplines was won by the Swiss Sommelier Paolo Basso, who has been a finalist and runner-up in all European and World Championships since 2004.

In General Assembly instead of ASI President. Mr. Kazuyoshi Kogai, whose term expired, was unanimously elected his deputy, Mr.Shinya Tasaki, who is vice president for Asia and Okenania. Board of Directors and Tehnical Committee remained the same, and more about all that at and


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