Project “Edict of Milan 313 – 2013, Serbia” – Serbia is country rich in Roman heritage

Project “Edict of Milan 313 – 2013, Serbia”

Arheološko nalazište Medijana

Hor Sretenjskog manastira iz MoskveThe opening ceremony for the Jubilee Year of the Edict of Milan took place at the National Theatre in Niš, on 17th January 2013, under the slogan “In this sign thou shalt conquer”(In hoc signo vinces), with a concert of the Moscow Sretenje Monastery’s Choir.

The Edict of Milan was brought by the Roman emperors, Constantine the Great (ruler of the Western Roman Empire) and Licinius (ruler of the Eastern Roman Empire) in Mediolanum (present-day Milan) in 313. The Edict put an end to the three-century long persecution of Christians, restoring their confiscated property and allowing them to practice their faith without suffering consequences.

The Head of the Press Service of the Project “Edict of Milan 313 – 2013, Ivana IvanovSerbia”, Mrs. Ivana Ivanov, told us about the plans and expectations for the anniversary of 1700 years of the Edict of Milan.

1. Could you tell our readers why the city of Niš is among the hosts of this historic event?

Emperor Constantine the Great, one of the most esteemed rulers in the history of mankind, the man who established the foundations of Christianization of Western civilization, was born in Naissus, present-day Niš. The construction of public and luxurious buildings in Naissus is ascribed to Emperor Constantine and some historical documents say that “He decorated the city with such magnificence that many later thought he had made a personal legacy of it….”

The Project “Edict of Milan 313 – 2013, Serbia” is also a symbolic celebration of Constantine’s rule as he is among those most deserving for the enactment of this document on tolerance so important for the Christian faith, which allowed everyone to “believe as their heart was inclined”. This is an opportunity for Serbia to present itself to the entire world as a country in which emperors were born, a center from which they ruled the Roman Empire, and where beautiful architectural constructions were built in Svečano otvaranje godine jubileja Milanskog ediktatestimony of the supreme achievements of civil engineering of those times. These are the facts with which Niš and Serbia will present themselves to the world in 2013.

2. Several other countries beside Serbia are taking part in the celebration of this jubilee. It must be a great responsibility and honor to be one of the hosts of such an important event?

This important jubilee, 1700 years since the enactment of the Edict of Milan, will also be celebrated in Rome, Jerusalem, Istanbul, Trier, Milan, and York, all cities in some way connected with Constantine’s life. Serbia and the city of Niš have the privilege of being the central destination of the celebration of this Christian jubilee and it is an opportunity to present an important historical period during which Serbia was a cultural and political center of the Roman Empire.

It’s also important to mention that the Russian Federation, Italy, Greece, France, Germany, Turkey, Great Britain, and America are all members of the Organizational Board for the Celebration of the Edict of Milan Jubilee. Serbia has taken an important role upon itself and, in addition to improving its image in the eyes of foreigners, we expect everything we will be doing as part of the Project “Edict of Milan 313 – 2013, Serbia” to prompt greater interest among tourists for places which have not been adequately presented until now and which bear the mark of the Roman heritage in our country. We believe this is a chance to improve Serbia’s general image in the eyes of the world.

3. Project “Edict of Milan 313 – 2013, Serbia” involves organizing a The Play - Constantinegreat number of events throughout the year. Can you tell us something about the most important events that will mark the year?

During the year we will have the opportunity of seeing various events which are part of the National Program for celebrating the jubilee “Edict of Milan 313 – 2013, Serbia”.

The formal opening of the jubilee is already behind us, with the performance of one of the best choirs in the world, the choir of Sretenje Monastery from Moscow, which greatly impressed the entire audience. The play “Constantine” is currently being played in the theater and will also be presented to audiences abroad. We are planning an important exhibition in the National Museum, “Constantine the Great and the Edict of Milan 313”, where 128 artifacts of great cultural value dating from the first to the fourth century A.D. will be displayed. There is also the performance of the opera “Aida” at the archeological site Viminacium, on 18th May, and then a multimedia event by Aleksandar Sanja Ilic on 3rd June, with the participation of the orchestra and choir of the Belgrade Opera. Then there is the concert of Slobodan Trkulja in September at the Niš fortress. And last but certainly not least, the Liturgy given by the heads of Orthodox churches, on 6th October, which will be a very important religious event.

Izložba Narodnog muzeja - Konstantin Veliki i Milanski edikt 3134. How much time was needed for the preparation of the entire program and for planning events for the whole year 2013?

The actual work on organizing the celebration of the jubilee did not begin until the end of last year, which was rather late. Until then only plans and some ideas had been conceived but little had actually been done. This important event had to be organized in a relatively short time and preparations included undertakings such as the reconstruction of the archeological site Mediana, which is thought to have been Emperor Constantine’s summer residence and which until now has remained deserted, neglected, and forgotten.

The Serbian Government has granted funds in the amount of 120 million dinars for the revitalization of this archeological site, which will be completed in the year of the jubilee and, more importantly, will be open and ready to receive visitors after the celebration.

5. Which among Serbia’s tourist sites will be in focus during the celebration of the Edict of Milan jubilee?

The celebration of the jubilee will focus on the Roman heritage in Serbia. The general public and tourists should be introduced to the archeological sites revealing places which were significant from the third to the fifth century A.D. Cities like Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica), Viminacium (near Kostolac), Felix Romuliana (near Zajecar), Naissus and Mediana, Iustiniana Prima (the Empress’s City) near Leskovac. This is an occasion to present those parts of Serbia that few people know about, apart from archeologists and historians.

6. According to current estimates, how much will the Project Arheološko nalazište Medijanacontribute to the development and popularization of Niš and Serbia as tourist destinations, compared to the funds invested in the project?

Project “Edict of Milan 313 – 2013, Serbia” is a stimulus to rediscover and present the history of this region about which little is known and which has rarely been brought to the center of public attention until now. After the reconstruction, the archeological site Mediana will be open to foreign tourists, a monument to Emperor Constantine in Niš is planned, which will become one of the city’s landmarks, the focus is on the Roman heritage in Serbia, and getting the general public and tourists acquainted with the project “The Road of the Roman Emperors”, offering a tour of the archeological sites of places which were important from the third to the fifth century A.D. All this is aimed at presenting Serbia as a country with a rich Roman heritage. Countries like the Russian Federation, Germany, Italy, Turkey, and United States have recognized Serbia’s efforts in this respect and have offered their assistance with the organization of the celebration of this jubilee.

“In this sign thou shalt conquer” is the slogan of the celebration of 1700 years since the enactment of the Edict of Milan and we hope it will be the result of the entire project.



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